what is a life group?

Life groups are the core way that each of us becomes a part of meaningful, intentional, community at MBC. Throughout the week, groups gather to grow in their relationships with God and one another.  We have several groups, around a variety of topics!  Sign ups are in the church foyer, call the office (609) 597-7586 or contact Susy viaemail

  • There are three semesters offered each year: Fall, Spring and Summer
  • Led by caring members of the church
  • Meet new friends or deepen existing relationships
  • Grow in your relationship with God
  • Learn how the Bible applies to your life
  • Call the church office to sign up, (609) 597-7586

Spring Life Groups Begin February 9th

Sign up in the church lobby 1/29 and 2/2.

Spring 2025 Life Group Offerings

MBC has small groups meeting six days a week.  Click the drop down menu below to view what studies are being offered.

  • Sunday mornings at 8:45am Pastor Ike Jones leads a group going through the book of Acts.  This is a group meets in the conference room next to the MBC church office.  This group is open to all adults.

  • The Ladies Lunch Bunch meet in the MBC conference room at noon and is led by Kathleen Thulin.

    Bring your lunch and join us in a study of Daniel as he reveals to us who God is – His character, His purposes, & His way of working in the world for the good of His people. Dare to trust in Daniel’s God! Cost of book — $5.00

    Another group for mixed adults meets in Room 2 of the education building. Led by Matt and Katie Gould at 6:30pm.   In this study, Pastor David Platt challenges the traditions of cultural Christianity and reintroduces us to Jesus and His most simple request: Follow Me.  When Jesus says, “Follow Me” it’s not an invitation to say a prayer and call it a day, it’s a summons to lose our lives. During this life group, we hope that we can reflect on our relationship with Jesus as young adults, spouses, and parents ignite a passion that fuels our affection for God, and share His love and spread His glory to make more disciple makers. 

    Child care will be provided upon request.

    Our College and Career group  (ages 18-24) meet in the conference room of the church building at 7:00 pm and is led by Joey Robertson

    The study we will be doing is Defining the Good News. We will be surveying the Gospel proclamations by the apostles in the book of Acts so that we can know the Gospel for ourselves and potently share it with others.

  • At 4:00pm, we have a group for mixed adults meeting at the Rees’s home, led by Nate Kirby.

    They will be studying the life of David and are using the book, "David: Developing a Heart for God."

    A Ladies group will be meeting in the MBC conference room at 6:45pm and will be led by Sue Kirby. The will be studying  "The Certain Hope of Eternity in an Upside-Down World"  A verse-by-verse study in Paul’s first letter to the Church at Thessalonica.

    A Men's group will be meeting in room 2 of the education building at 6:45pm and will be led by Ken Kirby.

    They are studying “Understanding how to live as a saint who knows Jesus” A study of Colossians

    Another option for mixed adults is meeting at the Thulin’s home at 6:45 and  led by Matt Krason.

    They will be studying I Corinthians. This group will learn how to live as a body of believers by walking through Paul’s instructions to the church in Corinth.

  • At 1:00pm a group open for mixed adults will meet at the Grasso’s home in West Creek and will be led by Angelo DeFranza.  They will be studying the book of Philippians

    At 6:45pm, another group for mixed adults will meet in room 2 of the education building, led by Pastor Lee and Pastor Ike.  This group will continue to discuss the Attributes of God. What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. When we talk about the attributes of God, we are trying to answer questions like, who is God, what is God like, and what kind of God is He? Knowing God is the true foundation for everything else we believe. Come and learn with us as we seek to know Him.

    The MBC Youth Group (student 6th through 12th grade) meet in the youth loft led by Brian and Kori Gresham at 6:30pm.Our youth ministry is a safe space for teens to learn and foster a relationship with Jesus through Biblical teaching while building relationships with their peers in a fun and exciting environment.

  • There is a Ladies group that meets in person from 9:30am - 11:30am or online (via ZOOM) from 1:30pm - 2:30pm and is led by Ruth Ann Schmidt.  The in person group meets in the conference room.  The group is finishing the book of Revelation, chapters 20-22: A study of heaven. Each lesson teaches us something to apply to living a life pleasing to our Lord God Almighty! All ladies are welcome!

    Another group open to mixed adults will meet at the DeFranza’s home in Forked River, led by Tom Coughlin and Angelo DeFranza at 7:00pm. This study will be over the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5-7. A portrait of the genuine Christian life as preached by Jesus. This is one of the most well-known and misunderstood passages in all the Scriptures.

  • Our Grief Share group meets in the church conference room at 6:30pm and is led by Ruth Ann Schmidt

    The purpose of the group is to help and encouragement those greiving after the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend. This is a 13-week program, February 14th-May 16th. (they will not meet on Good Friday)